Report on money in and out .Create and manage budgets. Monitor investments.Superannuation tracking
Customisable reports. Reconcile accounts. Handles multiple currencies
Popular features to help you manage your finances

Manage your finances
Track bank accounts, credit cards, income and expenses. Schedule bills and recurring transactions, such as direct debits and your salary.

Track your investments
Monitor all of your personal and business investments, including share ownership, term deposits and superannuation.

Monitor the Stock Market
Download share prices daily from the ASX and NZX to stay up-to-date with the performance of your portfolio

Manage loans
Manage home, car, personal, and other loans. See how much principal and interest you have paid off and simulate extra payments.

Prepare for tax time
Ease the pain of tax time by categorising items that are in line with the ATO questions to help you prepare your tax returns.

Plan for the future
Use budgeting tools to create budgets based on previous years’ figures and undertake ‘scenario analysis’ to adjust the figures.

Savings planner
Plan your savings goal and track actual savings. Enter expected and actual expenditure for each category to see if you have met your saving goals.

Home Inventory
An organised record of your possessions. Scan and save receipts, warranties, photos, etc for easy retrieval insurance and estate planning.

Carbon Footprint Calculator
See how your activities impact the environment with your personal carbon footprint calculator.